Be a Conscious Creator

Our quality educational services advance young people's learning and personal growth. 

Mentoring & Leadership Development in English

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Course Introduction

The course aims to facilitate learners’ self-actualisation and improve their English language expressivity.

High-value topics of personal development are featured for learners to explore their own values, talents, aspirations and dreams, helping them become confident, motivated, compassionate, wise and happy learners who express their talents and serve the world in the future.

In terms of skills, learners will also be trained to acquire high-value skills much needed in the fast-changing era, including spiritual intelligence, creativity, problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, communication skills, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Learners are engaged in an inspiring and interactive environment and learn to express their thoughts confidently.

1. Add Whatsapp 6084 5386 / Add Wechat “PWaterlily” / Email us at 
2. Tell student’s 1) name, 2) level, and 3) ask about "Mentoring Course"

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You can learn about our mentoring and English programmes. Stay tuned in! 

Thank you!

2022-23 慈善課 Charity Class (WE4)

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2022年11月16日 - 2023年4月26日 共 17堂
週三 7:30-8:30


Ms (Pat) Waterlily (陳老師)九年專業教育經驗。持港大教育碩士、教育文憑、文學士英文系。學生來自本地和國際學校高中生、大學生、初入職教師、研究生。兼任老師啟導訓練工作。  

長期上課,幫同學打好語言基礎,理解英文系統,用有效的學習方法。幫助日後升學和發展。 機會難得,留給有學習動機的同學。

Enquiry 查詢:

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Latest Course For Free (limited time offer)

For your excellence and professionalism

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Instructor's credentials: BA, PGDE, MEd

Towards Advanced English: Grammar Usage

Suitable for: adults and senior secondary students who strive for grammar accuracy for excellence or professionalism. At least upper intermediate level required. Comfortable with English explanations.  

FREE online live course
Lessons on Wednesdays 2/11, 9/11
8-9 pm 
Lecture + Q & A + self-study exercises  

Enquiry/ Enrolment:   
1. Add Wechat “PWaterlily” or Whatsapp 6084 5386.
2. Tell student’s 1) name, 2) level, and 3) ask to join Course “WE4”



Adult English Speaking
& Personal Development

Workplace Writing  & English Grammar 

Secondary students

Mentoring & Leadership Development in English

Junior Secondary English

DSE English

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P. Waterlily

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English Language Courses (Self-study)

*Prices are in USD.

Benefits our learning programmes

Conscious teachers nurture conscious learners.

Advancing personal development & leadership

with our inspirational content that boosts motivation, fosters positive, lifelong learning attitudes

Cross-curricular exposure

expands curiosity, promotes holistic understanding of the world's knowledge and develops holistic thinking skills

Raising spiritual consciousness

engages learners to live fully in life, promotes energy balance, anchors them to a home of love, joy and peace

Personalised feedback

makes learning personalised and truly relevant with the guidance of a conscious mentor/teacher

Equity Scholarship Scheme 

"Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice." - Jeff Bezos

Would you like to join us with some financial support?

Write no less than 200 words and email your 'scholarship application' at

Applicants' information kept confidential. 申請人資料保密。

獲得/報讀 所有 我們的課程 (網上自習/Live)。

Oceanic Growth offers the Equity Education Scholarship Programme dedicated to motivated students with financial needs. This scholarship programme aims at democratising quality education. We hope that every motivated student, regardless of their school performance, will not be constrained by any financial concern. An eligible recipient will receive support in all our learning programmes, online and offline, present and future. 
If you think a scholarship is of your great help, please write an application letter explaining 1)your learning/ personal development aspirations as well as 2) your financial need. Alternatively, parents or teachers can also write recommendation letters for student candidates. Write no less than 250 words in English or in Chinese. 

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Meet the instructor

Patricia Waterlily

'Be life. Be love. Be light.' 

'Be life. Be love. Be light.'

Ms (Pat) Waterlily
🎷 近十年來醉心於教育事業,專注英文教學、課程設計、靈性教育以及領袖訓練,使命是提升同學的思維和個人成長。
🌸 畢業於港大英文系和藝術學系,並取得英文教育文憑、教育碩士,為註冊教師。
🎪 曾任中學全職教師,和不同學校緊密合作,熟悉教育制度。
💎 學生來自本地和國際學校高中、初入行教師。
⭐️ 近年擔任老師訓練工作
Spiritual, conscientious and compassionate, Patricia is devoted to advancing personal development through her education.

As a certified English teacher, Patricia has earned solid experience in teaching English to learners from both international and local schools, up to the level of university postgraduates.

In addition, Patricia has been vigorously helping with learners’ holistic personal transformation through leadership development, mentoring and spiritual education. Her students/mentees/trainees include secondary school students, post-graduates and novice educators.

Focused areas
Personal development (leadership, spirituality), English teaching, educational reform, curriculum design.

  • BA (English Studies, Fine Arts)
  • PGDE (Secondary English)
  • HK-Registered Teacher
  • MEd
  • The University of Hong Kong, The University of Queensland


From students

流星, 趕月, 流雲逐日, 而老師你則是我永遠的榜樣。 Miss, 你帶給我的不僅是你身上的魅力, 而是那對生活的熱情, 是你帶我走出自己的小圈子, 見識到世界不同的色彩, 也是你令我明白到對生活總要帶著熱情, 每天都要保持著自信。雖然你只教導我們短短兩年, 但是我敢保證學到的事情是足夠我未來到20年的人生。 Miss, 你就好像一瓶名貴的香水, 由內散發出的香味, 一直停留在我的時間長河中, 讓我久久不能忘懷。我相信Miss 你一定會成為一位桃李滿天下的老師!就好像天上的太陽般, 照亮他人們的內心! 
kent wen, secondary 4, now at college

You are not only a good teacher but also my friend. Thank you for all that you have done in my life. 真的非常感謝老師您!感謝人您給我許多機會去發展自己的潛能,發現自己的優點。
helen wong, secondary 5, now at college
Thanks for your teaching. 我知道你擁有教育夢,有夢想和目標是很了不起的,我支持你繼續完成目標,努力向前,做老師不容易,但付出多少收成多少,just keep going! 祝你每日用正面樂觀的態度面對一切。Love you.   
Hei Man, Secondary 4, now graduated
I still remember I stood beside the window, and you were very worried. You were afraid that I would do a stupid thing. At that moment I didn’t know why you needed to be so nervous, but now I know it because you truly value me. At this moment I would like to say ‘thank you’ to you sincerely. 
King, Secondary 4, now at college
You are my favourite English teacher. You are doing a great job, always being respected and loved by countless students.
leung man Secondary 4, now at university

You can learn about our mentoring and English programmes. Stay tuned in! 

Thank you!
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