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2022-23 慈善課 Charity Class (WE4)
Write your awesome label here.
2022年11月16日 - 2023年4月26日 共 17堂
週三 7:30-8:30
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Latest Course For Free (limited time offer)
For your excellence and professionalism
Write your awesome label here.
Instructor's credentials: BA, PGDE, MEd
Towards Advanced English: Grammar Usage
Suitable for: adults and senior secondary students who strive for grammar accuracy
for excellence or professionalism. At least upper intermediate level required. Comfortable
with English explanations.
FREE online live course
Lessons on Wednesdays 2/11, 9/11
8-9 pm
Lecture + Q & A + self-study exercises
Enquiry/ Enrolment: 1. Add Wechat “PWaterlily” or Whatsapp 6084 5386.2. Tell student’s 1) name, 2) level, and 3) ask to join Course “WE4”
English Language Courses (Self-study)
Benefits our learning programmes
Conscious teachers nurture conscious learners.
Advancing personal development & leadership
with our inspirational content that boosts motivation, fosters positive, lifelong learning attitudes
Cross-curricular exposure
expands curiosity, promotes holistic understanding of the world's knowledge and develops holistic thinking skills
Raising spiritual consciousness
engages learners to live fully in life, promotes energy balance, anchors them to a home of love, joy and peace
Personalised feedback
makes learning personalised and truly relevant with the guidance of a conscious mentor/teacher
Equity Scholarship Scheme
"Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice." - Jeff Bezos
Meet the instructor
Patricia Waterlily
'Be life. Be love. Be light.'
'Be life. Be love. Be light.'
From students

You are not only a good teacher but also my friend. Thank you for all that you have done in my life. 真的非常感謝老師您!感謝人您給我許多機會去發展自己的潛能,發現自己的優點。
Thanks for your teaching. 我知道你擁有教育夢,有夢想和目標是很了不起的,我支持你繼續完成目標,努力向前,做老師不容易,但付出多少收成多少,just keep going! 祝你每日用正面樂觀的態度面對一切。Love you.
Hei Man, Secondary 4, now graduated
I still remember I stood beside the window, and you were very worried. You were afraid that I would do a stupid thing. At that moment I didn’t know why you needed to be so nervous, but now I know it because you truly value me. At this moment I would like to say ‘thank you’ to you sincerely.
King, Secondary 4, now at college
You are my favourite English teacher. You are doing a great job, always being respected and loved by countless students.
leung man Secondary 4, now at university